Year 1

Following registration your child will be given a one to one informal assessment to establish his/her skills in reading, writing, handwriting, spelling and numeracy skills.

The curriculum encompasses both practical and more formal methods and is designed to strengthen existing skills and to promote new learning. It is based on the Key Stage 1National Curriculum.

In Literacy, the children will learn how to become fluent readers with the capacity to decode more complex texts and a growing ability to understand what they read. Listening skills will continue to be an area of focus as the ability to listen is a key ingredient for successful learning. As your child advances in reading he/she will benefit from borrowing books from our popular range.  Our experienced teachers will ensure your child receives the right scaffolding to develop his/her writing skills. Our expectations in this area are high; therefore, we aim for children to be writing in structured sentences with an increasing awareness of the audience as soon as possible.

In numeracy, children will b supported to make their knowledge of place value to 20 and beyond secure. This will include the manipulation of numbers mentally, addition and subtraction, problem solving, money and time. The emphasis will mainly be on the concept of number up to 20.

We promote good habits for learning by ensuring that the atmosphere we create is relaxed, happy and secure. Our children are taught to take pride in their work and we also teach them the importance of trying one’s best and the values of being kind, helpful and working together.

Barrett Hay Saturday School, St. John’s Pre School, Sylvan Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2RX | t: 020 3468 4050 | e:
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